How It Works

  1. A Pathfinder completes the Bible Study Challenge by finishing one or more courses of lessons. (See choices below.) For each course completed, they will receive a special edition Bible Study Challenge certificate.
  2. Any graduate of the challenge who attends the 2024 International Pathfinder Camporee can obtain a unique Bible Study Challenge pin.
  3. All challenge graduates will receive special recognition on Sabbath during the Camporee!
    Questions? Contact us at or 970-622-2990.

Choose Your
Bible Study Course

Discovery Mountain Expedition
Pathfinders will especially enjoy this story about a lively group of campers as they navigate dramatic challenges and friendships! Each beautifully illustrated chapter is paired with a lesson and activities on a guiding Bible principle like forgiveness, prayer, God’s law, Jesus’ return, etc.
(14 guides)


These study guides cover major Bible doctrines and include fun puzzles and activities. They’re packed with interesting real-life stories that will spark your own ideas and inspiration. Perfect for a baptismal class or study.
(14 guides)

A comprehensive course exploring all the fundamental truths of Scripture in a clear, easy-to-follow format. Many common questions about God, life, and the Bible are addressed. Your faith will grow in light of the incredible full picture of God’s love in Christ!
(26 guides)

Earn Honor Badges

For a deeper challenge, you can complete complementary honors as you work on the study guides.

Certificate, Pin, and Graduation

When you finish your Bible study, you will receive a certificate of achievement—often as part of a local graduation ceremony held by your club.

And if your club is going to Camporee, there’s a cool collector’s pin available there for attending graduates! These will be awarded at a recognition service for challenge graduates during the Camporee program.

Be sure to check with your club to learn what your group is doing and how you can participate and receive these special awards.


Studying the truths of Scripture often leads to the most important decision you can make: accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life. The act that symbolizes your eternal commitment is baptism.

If you would like to prepare for baptism, tell your parents and they can talk to your club leader or pastor. If you would like to be baptized at the Pathfinder Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming, then click the button below for more information.

Advanced Courses

If you’re an already-baptized Pathfinder or a Pathfinder leader—or if you just love Bible prophecy!—check out our Focus on Prophecy lessons for an advanced challenge.

Focus on Daniel

How can we trust God’s Word? What does the future hold? The book of Daniel contains answers and assurances for us today. An in-depth course perfect for already-baptized Pathfinders and Pathfinder leaders.


Focus on Revelation

Dig even deeper into Bible prophecy with this chapter-by-chapter study of Revelation. Most suitable for baptized Pathfinders and Pathfinder leaders. We recommend completing Focus on Daniel first before doing this course.